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The book focuses on deception and truth-seeking. Deception Point even emphasises this. A massive NASA-saving swindle drives the story. Senator Sexton deceives people throughout the story by taking unlawful campaign contributions. Pickering‘s security concerns include concealing information from the public to safeguard national security and high-tech military and intelligence assets.
Rachel seeks and spreads the meteorite’s truth throughout the novel. Rachel hates her father since he lied to her mother. Rachel judges characters by their honesty. She liked President Herney until she suspected him of the meteorite deception.
Gabrielle, like Rachel, wants the truth. The truth regarding Sexton’s private space company funding. Sexton’s compelling lie about their affair disillusioned her. She supports Sexton when he’s honest, like when he offered to meet with private space businesses. After discovering his deception, she considers exposing him.
Many characters utilise small lies to get what they want: Gabrielle lies to Harper, Rachel bluffs Ekstrom, and Tench and Harper lie about PODS being fixed. Press conferences disclose the meteorite’s truth towards the book’s end.
Truth also makes a character appealing or unlikeable. Rachel, Gabrielle, and President Herney are honest and likeable. Gabrielle initially doubts Sexton because of his ability to deceive successfully. Ekstrom also lies, making him unlikable.
Politics plays a crucial role in the plot of the book, adding significance and urgency to the discovery of the meteorite. The meteorite’s discovery is fortunate for the current administration but devastating for Sexton’s presidential candidature. The political race frames the discovery and its reveal as a setup. Pickering’s manipulation was political, intended to prevent Sexton from becoming president and maintain NASA’s space superiority.
A presidential campaign’s influence and wealth are also explored. Yolanda warns against confronting Sexton because he has powerful supporters and money backing his presidential bid. Pickering invests heavily in Herney’s election. However, Sexton accepts space agency funding but must make space privatisation commitments.
Characters use information for political gain. Tench uses compromising images and financial details to coerce Gabrielle into confessing her romance with Sexton. Tench also uses her NASA discovery knowledge to make Sexton look silly during a CNN debate. These episodes demonstrate Tench’s political savvy and information manipulation. Gabrielle’s classified NASA intel makes her one of Sexton’s closest aides.
Politics may change quickly, as the story shows. The fossil discovery depresses Sexton, but Harper’s lie gives him hope. After a political turnaround, Herney agrees when the fossils are found. Sexton goes from being comfortably ahead to nearly falling out of the race, then uncovering the meteorite scam to facing exposure for his adultery and extortion threats—all within 24 hours.
The story references political techniques. Tench likens politics to war and advocates assaulting opponents on various fronts, including morals and policies. Gabrielle notes Sexton’s use of “Siamese Insurance,” a method to prevent contributors from exposing him without implicating themselves. Gabrielle recognises that politics is a media-driven game, as shown by the countless press conferences regarding the meteorite, computer programme faults, Sexton’s affair, and the meteorite’s fake.
Suspense is a prominent theme in the book, contributing to its sense of mystery and drama. The author employs various techniques to generate suspense, such as utilizing short chapters that often end on cliff-hangers, leaving readers in anticipation of what comes next. The subsequent chapters frequently shift focus to different characters, situations, or settings, further heightening the suspenseful atmosphere.
Another method employed to sustain suspense is the deliberate withholding of crucial information. The true identity of the controller remains undisclosed until the book’s conclusion, leading to suspicions being cast upon multiple characters. The use of misdirection also adds an element of doubt surrounding certain individuals. Additionally, the inclusion of secret informants, top-secret military weaponry, and references to classified information contributes to the overall air of mystery and tension within the narrative.
The presence of perilous environments and their implications for the upcoming presidential elections also serve to create suspense. Rachel’s fear of water, coupled with her involvement in open-water situations, adds an element of unpredictability to the story and introduces intriguing plot twists that enhance the overall suspenseful nature of the book.